Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING for sale, 9568571

117 000EUR

  • ≈ 1 977 183 GHS
  • ≈ 127 579 USD


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117 000EUR

117 000EUR


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Published: 1mo 5d

Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 1
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 3
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 4
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 5
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 6
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 7
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 8
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 9
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 10
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 11
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 12
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 13
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 14
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 15
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 16
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 17
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 18
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 19
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 20
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 21
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 22
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 23
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 24
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 25
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 26
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 27
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 28
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 29
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 30
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 31
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 32
Municipal/ Special vehicle Iveco WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING: picture 33
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Published: 1mo 5d

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117 000EUR

  • ≈ 1 977 183 GHS
  • ≈ 127 579 USD
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Poland, Niwy, Polen
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IVECO WUKO MULLER KOMBI ZUR KANALREINIGUNG Baujahr 2008 Laufleistung: 39500 km Anwendung: * Reinigung der Kanäle * Reinigungskörbe von Regenabflüssen * Schlammabfuhr aus Kläranlagen * Entfernung von Schadstoffen aus Baugruben, Gruben usw. * Reinigung von Industrieanlagen Vakuumpumpe CVS VACUSTAR Leistung: 1500 m3 / h Vakuum 200 mbar HOCHDRUCKpumpe Hochdruckpumpe Durchfluss: bis zu 420 l / min bei einem Druck von 175 bar Tankinhalt: Die Gesamtkapazität der Tankkammern beträgt 10.000 l Schiebekolben mit 3 Verriegelungspunkten Eigenschaften: Kombination von Saugmodi mit Hochdruckreinigung Wasser- und Schlammkammer mit variablem Volumen Entleerung über den Druckkolben Unterseite: Hydraulisch nach oben auf den vollen Querschnitt geöffnet Pneumatische Zentralverriegelung Anzeige der Inhaltsebene: Innenschwimmer außen graduiert Ausführung mit PE-Kugel Schlauchkassette mit Verlängerungsarm DN 125 180° schwenkbarer Arm Warnlichter Arbeitsscheinwerfer Umgebungsbeleuchtung Ein Auto in einem hervorragenden technischen Zustand! ES IST BEEINDRUCKEND! IN PERFEKTER VERFASSUNG! 100% unfallfrei! MEHR INFORMATIONEN UNTER NR.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp und Viber VORSICHT. Diese Ankündigung ist nur eine kommerzielle Information und stellt kein Angebot im Sinne von Art. 66, §1 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches. Der Verkäufer ist nicht verantwortlich für Fehler oder veraltete Anzeigen IVECO WUKO MULLER KOMBI FOR CHANNEL CLEANING year of production 2008 Mileage: 39500 km Application: * cleaning of channels * cleaning baskets of rain drains * sludge removal from sewage treatment plants * removal of pollutants from excavations, pits, etc. * cleaning of industrial installations CVS VACUSTAR vacuum pump output: 1500 m3 / h vacuum 200 mbar HOCHDRUCKpumpe high pressure pump flow: up to 420 l / min at a pressure of 175 bar Tank capacity: The total capacity of the tank chambers is 10,000 I Sliding piston with 3 locking points Characteristics: combination of suction modes with high pressure cleaning variable volume water and sludge chamber emptying via the discharge piston Bottom: Hydraulically opened upwards to the full cross-section Pneumatic central locking Content Level Indicator: internal float graduated on the outside version with PE ball Hose cassette with extension arm DN 125 180 ° tiltable arm Warning lights Work lights Ambient lighting A car in a superb technical condition! IT IS AWESOME! IN PERFECT CONDITION! 100% accident-free! MORE INFORMATION AT NO.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp and Viber CAUTION. This announcement is only commercial information and does not constitute an offer pursuant to Art. 66, §1 of the Civil Code. The seller is not responsible for any errors or out-of-date advertisements IVECO WUKO MULLER KOMBI PARA LIMPIEZA DE CANAL año de producción 2008 Kilometraje: 39500 km Solicitud: * limpieza de canales * cestas de limpieza de desagües pluviales * eliminación de lodos de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales * eliminación de contaminantes de excavaciones, pozos, etc. * limpieza de instalaciones industriales Bomba de vacío CVS VACUSTAR salida: 1500 m3 / h vacío 200 mbar Bomba de alta presión HOCHDRUCKpumpe caudal: hasta 420 l/min a una presión de 175 bar Capacidad del tanque: La capacidad total de las cámaras del tanque es de 10.000 I. Pistón deslizante con 3 puntos de bloqueo Características: combinación de modos de succión con limpieza a alta presión cámara de agua y lodos de volumen variable vaciado a través del pistón de descarga Abajo: Apertura hidráulica hacia arriba hasta la sección transversal completa Cierre centralizado neumático Indicador de nivel de contenido: flotador interno graduado en el exterior versión con bola de PE Cassette de manguera con brazo de extensión DN 125 brazo inclinable 180° Luces de advertencia luces de trabajo Iluminación ambiental ¡Un coche en un estado técnico magnífico! ¡ES ASOMBROSO! ¡EN PERFECTAS CONDICIONES! ¡100% libre de accidentes! MÁS INFORMACIÓN EN EL NÚM.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp y Viber PRECAUCIÓN. Este anuncio es solo información comercial y no constituye una oferta de conformidad con el art. 66, §1 del Código Civil. El vendedor no es responsable de ningún error o publicidad desactualizada. IVECO WUKO MULLER KOMBI POUR LE NETTOYAGE DES CANAUX année de fabrication 2008 Kilométrage : 39500 km Application: * nettoyage des canaux * paniers de nettoyage des égouts pluviaux * évacuation des boues des stations d'épuration * élimination des polluants des excavations, des fosses, etc. * nettoyage d'installations industrielles Pompe à vide CVS VACUSTAR débit : 1500 m3/h vide 200 mbar Pompe haute pression HOCHDRUCKpumpe débit : jusqu'à 420 l/min à une pression de 175 bar Capacité du réservoir: La capacité totale des chambres du réservoir est de 10 000 I Piston coulissant avec 3 points de verrouillage Les caractéristiques: combinaison de modes d'aspiration avec nettoyage à haute pression chambre à eau et à boues à volume variable vidange via le piston de refoulement Fond: Ouverture hydraulique vers le haut sur toute la section Verrouillage centralisé pneumatique Indicateur de niveau de contenu : flotteur interne gradué à l'extérieur version avec bille en PE Cassette de tuyau avec bras de rallonge DN 125 Bras inclinable à 180° Feux de détresse Feux de travail Éclairage ambiant Une voiture dans un superbe état technique ! C'EST GÉNIAL! EN PARFAITE CONDITION! 100% sans accident ! PLUS D'INFORMATIONS AU NO.

+48697070670 (ANG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp et Viber MISE EN GARDE. Cette annonce n'est qu'une information commerciale et ne constitue pas une offre au sens de l'art. 66, §1 du Code civil. Le vendeur n'est pas responsable des erreurs ou des publicités obsolètes IVECO WUKO MULLER KOMBI PER LA PULIZIA DEI CANALI anno di produzione 2008 Chilometraggio: 39500 km Applicazione: * pulizia dei canali * pulizia dei cestelli degli scarichi della pioggia * rimozione dei fanghi dagli impianti di depurazione * rimozione di inquinanti da scavi, fosse, ecc. * pulizia di impianti industriali Pompa per vuoto CVS VACUSTAR potenza: 1500 m3/h vuoto 200 mbar Pompa ad alta pressione HOCHDRUCKpumpe portata: fino a 420 l/min ad una pressione di 175 bar Capacità del serbatoio: La capacità totale delle camere del serbatoio è di 10.000 I Pistone scorrevole con 3 punti di chiusura Caratteristiche: combinazione di modalità di aspirazione con pulizia ad alta pressione camera acqua e fanghi a volume variabile svuotamento tramite il pistone di scarico Parte inferiore: Apertura idraulica verso l'alto per l'intera sezione Chiusura centralizzata pneumatica Indicatore del livello di contenuto: galleggiante interno graduato all'esterno versione con sfera in PE Cassetta del tubo con braccio di prolunga DN 125 Braccio inclinabile a 180° Spie d'avvertimento Luci da lavoro Illuminazione dell'ambiente Un'auto in condizioni tecniche superbe! È FANTASTICO! IN PERFETTE CONDIZIONI! 100% senza incidenti! MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI AL NR.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp e Viber ATTENZIONE. Il presente annuncio è puramente informativo commerciale e non costituisce offerta ai sensi dell'art. 66, §1 del codice civile. Il venditore non è responsabile per eventuali errori o annunci non aggiornati IVECO WUKO MULLER KOMBI DO CZYSZCZENIA KANAŁÓW rok produkcji 2008 Przebieg 39500 km Zastosowanie: * czyszczenie kanałów * czyszczenie koszy studzienek deszczowych * usuwanie szlamu z oczyszczalni * usuwanie zanieczyszczeń z wykopów, dołów, itp. * czyszczenie instalacji przemysłowych Pompa próżniowa CVS VACUSTAR wydatek: 1500 m3/h podciśnienie 200 mbar Pompa wysokiego ciśnienia HOCHDRUCKpumpe wydatek: do 420 l/min przy ciśnieniu 175 bar Pojemność zbiornika: Łączna pojemność komór zbiornika 10000 I Tłok przesuwny z 3 punktami blokowania Cechy: kombinacja trybów ssania z czyszczeniem pod wysokim ciśnieniem komora wody i szlamu o zmiennych objętościach opróżnianie poprzez tłok wygarniający Dennica: Otwierana hydraulicznie do góry na pełny przekrój poprzeczny Pneumatyczne centralne ryglowanie Wskaźnik poziomu zawartości: pływak wewnętrzny z podziałką na zewnątrz wykonanie z kulą PE Kaseta na wąż z wysięgnikiem DN 125 Ramię odchylane o 180 ° Światła ostrzegawcze Światła robocze Oświetlenie otoczenia SAMOCHÓD W REWELACYJNYM STANIE TECHNICZNYM! WIZUALNIE PREZENTUJE SIĘ REWELACYJNIE! W IDEALNYM STANIE! 100% BEZWYPADKOWY! MOŻLIWOŚĆ KREDYTU lub LEASINGU -załatwiamy formalności kredytowo leasingowe -procedury uproszczone 0% pierwszej wpłaty -oraz na nowo otwarte firmy -a także klientów wpisanych do KRD i BIG WIĘCEJ INFORMACJI POD NR.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp and Viber UWAGA. Niniejsze ogłoszenie jest wyłącznie informacją handlową i nie stanowi oferty w myśl art. 66,§ 1. Kodeksu Cywilnego. Sprzedający nie odpowiada za ewentualne błędy lub nieaktualność ogłoszenia IVECO WUKO MULLER КОМПЛЕКТ ДЛЯ ПРОЧИСТКИ КАНАЛОВ год выпуска 2008 Пробег: 39500 км Заявление: * чистка каналов * чистка корзин дождевых стоков * удаление шлама из очистных сооружений * удаление загрязняющих веществ из котлованов, котлованов и т.п. * очистка промышленных установок Вакуумный насос CVS VACUSTAR производительность: 1500 м3/ч вакуум 200 мбар HOCHDRUCKpumpe насос высокого давления расход: до 420 л/мин при давлении 175 бар Емкость бака: Суммарная вместимость баковых камер 10 000 л. Подвижный поршень с 3 точками фиксации Характеристики: сочетание режимов всасывания с очисткой под высоким давлением водошламовая камера переменного объема опорожнение через нагнетательный поршень Нижний: Гидравлически открывается вверх на все поперечное сечение Пневматический центральный замок Индикатор уровня контента: внутренний поплавок с градуировкой снаружи версия с полиэтиленовым шаром Кассета для шланга с удлинителем DN 125 поворотный рычаг на 180° Сигнальные огни Рабочие фары Окружающее освещение Автомобиль в превосходном техническом состоянии! ЭТО ПРЕВОСХОДНО! В ИДЕАЛЬНОМ СОСТОЯНИИ! 100% безаварийность! БОЛЬШЕ ИНФОРМАЦИИ ПО НОМЕРУ

+48697070670 (АНГ.РУС.ПОЛ) WhatsApp и Viber ОСТОРОЖНОСТЬ. Данное объявление является исключительно коммерческой информацией и не является офертой в соответствии со ст. 66, § 1 Гражданского кодекса. Продавец не несет ответственности за любые ошибки или устаревшие объявления

Contact the seller

The administrator of personal data processed in the above form is TRUCK1 sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02-001 Warsaw, NIP: 7011085742, REGON: 521876921 E-mail contact: Personal data are processed for the purpose of handling the inquiry sent via the provided form on the basis of art. 6 sec. 1 letter f of the GDPR. Each user has the right to request access to their personal data, correction, deletion (in justified cases), restriction of processing and objection to processing, as well as the right to file a complaint with the Supervisor of the Personal Data Protection Office. More information on the processing of personal data is available in the information clauses posted on the website: Privacy policy.

This offer is for informational purposes only. Please confirm details directly from the seller.

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Buying tips
Step 1 Choose Your Method of Contact

After identifying a vehicle of interest on, you have the option to reach out to the seller either by using the contact form or by calling the dealer directly using the phone number provided. Choose the method that best aligns with your preferences.

Step 2 Verify Vehicle Details

Reach out to the seller to request more information about the vehicle’s availability, technical condition, and actual price, as ads might not always provide complete details. Additionally, ask for any recent service records or inspection reports to get a clearer picture of the vehicle’s current state.

Step 3 Utilize the Comparison Tool

Leverage Truck1’s comparison feature to evaluate similar vehicles. This will help you assess whether the asking price is competitive and aligned with market trends. Look for patterns in pricing and features to make an informed decision.

Step 4 Check Seller Reputation

When purchasing a vehicle online, it's essential to verify the seller's reputation by looking for positive reviews and a history of successful transactions. Truck1’s “Dealer status” icons provide valuable insights based on the experiences with the dealer, aiding in assessing the seller’s reliability.

Step 5 Inspect the Vehicle

Whenever possible, make it a priority to visit the seller and inspect the vehicle in person. If feasible, arrange for a third-party pre-purchase inspection of the vehicle. This can uncover potential issues that might not be visible in photos or mentioned in the advert.

Step 6 Sign a Sale Agreement

Ensure you sign a detailed sale agreement to protect your rights and confirm the terms of the transaction.

Step 7 Secure Payment

Proceed with payment only after signing the sale agreement. A small down payment to reserve the vehicle is common but should be done cautiously.

Anti-fraud tips
Step 1 Verify the Seller’s Identity

Confirm the seller's authenticity by gathering detailed information and checking reviews or ratings from previous buyers. Look for dealer icons on Truck1 to identify verified sellers and ensure a safer purchasing experience.

Step 2 Thorough Price Comparison

Compare the prices of similar vehicles using the Comparison tool to identify any unusual offers. Be wary of prices that deviate significantly from the market norm, as they may indicate potential issues or fraud.

Step 3 Contact Sellers for Comprehensive Details

Ask the seller for details about the vehicle’s history and usage conditions. A genuine seller will be transparent and willing to share this information, helping you assess if the vehicle meets your needs.

Step 4 Inspect the Vehicle’s Condition

Arrange to see and test the vehicle, looking for signs of wear or damage. Consider a pre-purchase inspection by a professional mechanic to uncover any hidden issues and ensure the vehicle's safety and reliability.

Step 5 Secure a Clear Sale Agreement and Payment Process

Before any transaction, ensure a detailed sale agreement is in place outlining all terms and conditions. Use secure payment methods and verify transaction details to protect against fraud.

117 000EUR

  • ≈ 1 977 183 GHS
  • ≈ 127 579 USD
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Poland, 26-021 Niwy, ul. Pogodna 42
07:00 - 17:00Mon - Fri
3 More than 3 years with Truck1
Contact the seller

The administrator of personal data processed in the above form is TRUCK1 sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02-001 Warsaw, NIP: 7011085742, REGON: 521876921 E-mail contact: Personal data are processed for the purpose of handling the inquiry sent via the provided form on the basis of art. 6 sec. 1 letter f of the GDPR. Each user has the right to request access to their personal data, correction, deletion (in justified cases), restriction of processing and objection to processing, as well as the right to file a complaint with the Supervisor of the Personal Data Protection Office. More information on the processing of personal data is available in the information clauses posted on the website: Privacy policy.

This offer is for informational purposes only. Please confirm details directly from the seller.

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Buying tips
Step 1 Choose Your Method of Contact

After identifying a vehicle of interest on, you have the option to reach out to the seller either by using the contact form or by calling the dealer directly using the phone number provided. Choose the method that best aligns with your preferences.

Step 2 Verify Vehicle Details

Reach out to the seller to request more information about the vehicle’s availability, technical condition, and actual price, as ads might not always provide complete details. Additionally, ask for any recent service records or inspection reports to get a clearer picture of the vehicle’s current state.

Step 3 Utilize the Comparison Tool

Leverage Truck1’s comparison feature to evaluate similar vehicles. This will help you assess whether the asking price is competitive and aligned with market trends. Look for patterns in pricing and features to make an informed decision.

Step 4 Check Seller Reputation

When purchasing a vehicle online, it's essential to verify the seller's reputation by looking for positive reviews and a history of successful transactions. Truck1’s “Dealer status” icons provide valuable insights based on the experiences with the dealer, aiding in assessing the seller’s reliability.

Step 5 Inspect the Vehicle

Whenever possible, make it a priority to visit the seller and inspect the vehicle in person. If feasible, arrange for a third-party pre-purchase inspection of the vehicle. This can uncover potential issues that might not be visible in photos or mentioned in the advert.

Step 6 Sign a Sale Agreement

Ensure you sign a detailed sale agreement to protect your rights and confirm the terms of the transaction.

Step 7 Secure Payment

Proceed with payment only after signing the sale agreement. A small down payment to reserve the vehicle is common but should be done cautiously.

Anti-fraud tips
Step 1 Verify the Seller’s Identity

Confirm the seller's authenticity by gathering detailed information and checking reviews or ratings from previous buyers. Look for dealer icons on Truck1 to identify verified sellers and ensure a safer purchasing experience.

Step 2 Thorough Price Comparison

Compare the prices of similar vehicles using the Comparison tool to identify any unusual offers. Be wary of prices that deviate significantly from the market norm, as they may indicate potential issues or fraud.

Step 3 Contact Sellers for Comprehensive Details

Ask the seller for details about the vehicle’s history and usage conditions. A genuine seller will be transparent and willing to share this information, helping you assess if the vehicle meets your needs.

Step 4 Inspect the Vehicle’s Condition

Arrange to see and test the vehicle, looking for signs of wear or damage. Consider a pre-purchase inspection by a professional mechanic to uncover any hidden issues and ensure the vehicle's safety and reliability.

Step 5 Secure a Clear Sale Agreement and Payment Process

Before any transaction, ensure a detailed sale agreement is in place outlining all terms and conditions. Use secure payment methods and verify transaction details to protect against fraud.

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t1 old test unit
t1 test unit - Municipal/ Special vehicle